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Wedding Bouquet


"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it."

~ Maya Angelou ~

I love what I I do it with my heart.

Tears in eyes lit up from light bulb moments, smiling faces, minds blown wide open from intense 'aha moments' and much more...such extraordinary journeys to travel with my clients.

Testimonials: Testimonials

"I want to say a very big thank you for all the help and support you have given my children and I. When I asked you for help we were literally at rock bottom and had no way of getting back on track. The children had gone through such trauma and despite my best efforts, I couldn't help them.

You came in and your sessions stripped us all bare. Everything was stripped back and all the pieces were picked one at a time and put back together. We cried, we laughed and we cried lots more. Even when the sessions ended, you were always on hand to give support, advice and encouragement. We had not gotten there but we were well on our way.

3 months down the line and life for us is amazing! The relationships are much stronger and we are to the glory of God on track again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us all of you on this journey. God bless you."

- Family Intervention client.

If you'd like to know more about my services, please get in touch.

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